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about me....

It's a story about the light

It began with going blind... about 15 years ago when I was in my early 30's I was driving home one day with my four small children in the car.  The sun was setting, and we were happy.  But as I drove towards the setting sun, the light caught my eyes, and for a moment, it was if the world had completely covered itself in dense white smoke! Startled I pulled the car over shaking with fright.... and I cried.  It was this discovery of cataracts in both my eyes, that stopped me in my tracks, got me thinking about my future.  How could I possibly read to my children if I couldn't see?  How would I see their beautiful faces and watch them grow?  Without a second though, I accepted the realisation; two eye surgeries were arranged and a wake up slap from karma.  


It was this moment, that made me consider my gifts- and my abilities.  I believed that I was given a message - I was being told to use my creativity - or else! That deeply strong message,  coupled with the desire to be a creative role model to my children, set in motion my creative Arts practise. 

Fast forward to today, and I'm living the creative life I was destined to have. 

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my creative practise

connection - beauty - memories

My hands and my heart work in unison to create beautiful, emotional and whimsical Artworks that have their own energy.


I love to capture living energy - painting feelings and characters.  Particularly Botanica and Flowers, Birds and Animals and Figures.  


Renoir said it best "Why can't Art be pretty? There are enough unpleasant things in the world."

"Go and see what others have produced,

but never copy anything except nature"


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